
Fenil Shah


Cracking the Interview

An interview is the one hurdle between your dream job and you. Although getting an interview might be difficult, cracking it and securing your dream job requires a different level of skillset. During an interview, the hiring manager not only decides whether you are the right person for the job,…
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businessman resume

Writing the perfect resume

A resume is one of the most important documents when you are seeking a job. Often, recruiters judge a candidate by their resume even before they decide to call you for an interview. This makes having a good resume imperative. The right resume can increase the number of call backs…
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Impact of Covid-19 Globally

Impact of Covid-19 on the HR Industry

No one ever dream of this – not in their worst nightmares. A time where people will be forced to remain in their homes and stay there for months on end to stop an invisible force that threatened all of humanity. Some Hollywood movies had stories that resembled this scenario,…
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